Thursday, July 17, 2008

How Original!!

Ok, so early on in the night, we played our original song, "Sunrise in Miami". It seemed well recieved, Sean introduced it by saying, "Hey, here's a song I know a lot of you might not know who the artist is, so listen close and see if you can figure it out!!" We played it through and of course, no one knew; so he informed everyone that it was OUR song! They seemed impressed and the coolest thing was that we got TWO requests for it later on in the night. People were actually singing along by the 3d time through. It was really fantastic! Over all, some amazing energy, lots of really nice people, some regular friends like Amy, Jessica and KC. There was also a wierd stalker type guy, some out-of-towners with Pirate make up on and a few friends from my work. Excellent ratio of crazies vs fun folk...makes for a really excellent night. We should have the original posted up soon, because our good friend 4video (AKA KC) video taped us on Tuesday and promised to edit it out and load it up for us. We love you, KC!!
Special thanks to my friends from work who braved the LATE LATE night to come hang out with us. Trust me, it's not easy to hang out drinking in a smokey bar till 1:30am then get up for work at 8. But it's worth it, especially for nights like this one - what a great time!! Hope next time, YOU'RE there!! :-)

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